Financial freedom - Build your way to a more prosperous life, step by step, by building smart passive income streams. Learn how to manage your investments so that you can maximize your passive income potential.

It is clear that your financial life is the product of your financial habits. The rules for financial stability and prosperity are: try to multiply your income sources; spend smart; spend less than you gain; every month make sure your balance (revenue - costs) is positive; constant saving; invest the savings. These actions, repeated every month, creates habits. Habits, repeated every month, accumulate and provide a stable financial status and, in time, produce prosperity.

New high-yield Envestio project – Renewal of freight containers – Tier 9

Envestio logo

Envestio informed today that a new investment opportunity is available at the portal to all registered participants.

By introducing the new Investment Project Owner “SRR” JSC with project “Renewal of freight containers – Tier 9″, Envestio expands the variety of industries available to invest in. “SRR” JSC has a long and successful experience of conducting logistics operations.

The loan is fully secured by mixed commercial pledge and personal guarantee of the main beneficiaries of “SRR” JSC.

As usual, you can invest any amount starting from 1 EUR. Minimum deposit to the investment account is EUR 100.

If you invest for the first time at Envestio don’t forget that you can get € 5 and a 0.5% cashback bonus for the investments made in the first nine months (270 days), more details HERE.

Investment opportunity

  • High-yielding investment in logistics industry, financing of technical inspection and repair/renewal works for freight containers.
  • Secured debt, 21% planned annual return.
  • Investment principal buyback is available at 5% penalty rate.

Project description

The JSC SRR was established in Riga, Latvia in the year 2007. JSC SRR is a member of FIATA, LAFF, LTBA, CCTP, holds ISO 9001:2008 certificate, and employs 64 people.

Company’s key assets include 950 x 20’ and 450 х 40’ containers as well as 825 railroad platforms.

The main fields of company’s activity are:

  • Multimodal transportation and integrated railway solutions for metallurgical companies and industrial manufacturers
  • Handling of container trains
  • Optimizing use of rolling stock and providing own containers
  • Warehousing of various types of cargo
  • Regular feeder container line Rotterdam-Riga-Ust-Luga-St. Petersburg-Rotterdam

The company is looking to conduct a round of technical inspection and repair/renewal works for all its containers, used for freight operations. The total cost of the project is estimated to be EUR 650,000. Envestio participants will have a chance to finance this project in several tranches of moderate size, according to the number of containers submitted for inspection and further proceedings in a single batch.


Consolidated figures show that during the year 2017 the global market for transportation of goods using freight containers increased by more than 6% in relation to 2016. Last time so high market growth rates were observed more than 6 years ago – in the year 2011. Overall demand for China-Europe-America freight routes in 2017 increased rapidly due to China’s GDP 6,9% growth that was almost 0,5% higher than anticipated growth of 6,5%. At the same time, also the freight rates in 2017 swiftly recovered from downfall, experienced in 2016.

Further development of the global market is largely dependent on the extent at which current expansion plans of the biggest container lines are realized as well as on the development dynamics of the international trade. Bearing in mind increasing ambiguity on the global markets, caused by geopolitical shifts combined with high growth rates the key factor for success is the ability to manage both own and freighted assets in the most efficient and flexible way.

From the regional perspective the biggest increase in volumes was achieved in the North America (+12,6%), followed by Latin America (+11,1%), China (+10,3%), and Europe (+4,4%).

Sample repayment schedule

Envestio participant’s investment – EUR 1 000.00

  • 02.12.2018 – EUR 17.26
  • 02.01.2019 – EUR 17.84
  • 02.02.2019 – EUR 17.84
  • 02.03.2019 – EUR 16.11
  • 02.04.2019 – EUR 17.84
  • 02.05.2019 – EUR 17.26
  • 02.06.2019 – EUR 17.84
  • 02.07.2019 – EUR 1017.26

Total expected return: EUR 1 139.25

New Crowdestor project – Development of apartment building Tomsona 6

Crowdestor logo

Crowdestor informed today that investors have a chance to invest in a new project: Development of apartment building Tomsona 6.

The aim of the Project is to fine-tune and foster the currently undergoing works in the development stage of the land plot so that an actual building permit is issued by the municipality.


Target: EUR 60 000,00.

Loan term: 9 months.

Interest rate: 12% per annum.

Interest payments: paid monthly

Loan repayment: In full at the end of the Loan Term.


Prohibition (in part or as a whole) to alienate, assign, transfer; charge, mortgage, lien; divide or join to another land plot, without written permission of the Collateral Agent. This prohibition is being corroborated (enrolled) in the Land Book as a special prohibitory note legally binding to all third parties (“aizlieguma atzīme” – in Latvian).

New high-yield Envestio project – Production of Sawn Timber – part 2

Envestio logo

Envestio informed today that a new investment opportunity is available at the portal to all registered participants.

The project is presented by the Investment Project Owner that is already familiar to Envestio participants – Latvian company NDINAMIKA SIA. By investing in the project “Production of Sawn Timber – part 2” it is possible to participate in the financing round for the production cycle of sawn timber products by a representative of European woodworking industry.

The loan is fully secured by commercial pledge and personal guarantee of the main beneficiary of NDINAMIKA SIA.

You can invest any amount starting from 1 EUR. Minimum deposit to the investment account is EUR 100.

If you invest for the first time at Envestio don’t forget that you can get € 5 and a 0.5% cashback bonus for the investments made in the first nine months (270 days), more details HERE.

Investment opportunity

  • High-yielding investment in woodworking sector, factoring-type financing for a sawn timber production/wood pellets trading company.
  • Secured debt, 20,5% planned annual return.
  • Investment principal buyback is available at 5% penalty rate.

Project description

The company NDINAMIKA SIA is a Latvian company that is successfully acting on the market of production and sale of sawn timber to local and international customers. Established in the year 2013, NDINAMIKA SIA is a well-known and experienced player on the Latvian woodworking market. Besides production of sawn timber, the company is also engaged into sale and delivery of wood pellets/biomass fuel to Latvian households, small agricultural complexes, and other consumers.

Sawn timber is being produced from the raw round timber, purchased directly from the owner of the forest sites. NDINAMIKA SIA has concluded long-term agreements with a number of companies and private individuals that ensures operational flexibility.

A standard production cycle includes:

  • Inspection of the site, marking the trees
  • Cutting down the trees in agreed volume using company’s equipment and vehicles
  • Transportation of the raw round wood to the company’s warehouse, preparation for further processing
  • Production of sawn wood using specialized tools and equipment
  • Post-production treatment, packing, sale

The funds, attracted with the help of Envestio will be used for the purchase of raw round timber, financing the production process, and covering the time gap before the final payment is received from the customers.


In the first half of 2018 the overall situation in the sphere of supply of round timber has continued to improve. At the same time, assortment prices remain high, thus indicating insufficient supply of wood for further processing. As the “Forest and Wood Products Research and Development Institute” notes, the rapid increase in the prices of round wood in ports has reduced the availability of technological wood in the regions of Latvia.

Roundwood prices have risen noticeably not only in Latvia, but also in the Baltic neighbour states and Sweden. It should be noted that the increase in prices for pulpwood and saw logs in Sweden has not been as rapid as, for example, in Latvia.

The limiting supply of round timber and the high demand for wood due to climatic conditions, as a result of the increase in the prices of round timber, has affected the export performance of the industry.

In the 5 months of 2018 the amount of wood products exported from Latvia exceeded the indicator of the previous year by 21%. The value of exports of slab and plywood exceeded last year volumes by 4%, the export sales of sawn timber products remained at the same level, the volume of exported granules decreased by 14%. The export value of round timber climbed by 90%, firewood and chips – increased by 12%.

Sample repayment schedule

Envestio participant’s investment – EUR 1 000.00

  • 07.12.2018 – EUR 16.85
  • 07.01.2019 – EUR 17.41
  • 07.02.2019 – EUR 17.41
  • 07.03.2019 – EUR 15.73
  • 07.04.2019 – EUR 17.41
  • 07.05.2019 – EUR 1016.85

Total expected return: EUR 1 101.66

New high-yield Envestio project – Renewal of freight containers – Tier 7

Envestio logo

Envestio informed today that a new investment opportunity is available at the portal to all registered participants.

By introducing the new Investment Project Owner “SRR” JSC with project “Renewal of freight containers – Tier 7″, Envestio expands the variety of industries available to invest in. “SRR” JSC has a long and successful experience of conducting logistics operations.

The loan is fully secured by mixed commercial pledge and personal guarantee of the main beneficiaries of “SRR” JSC.

As usual, you can invest any amount starting from 1 EUR. Minimum deposit to the investment account is EUR 100.

If you invest for the first time at Envestio don’t forget that you can get € 5 and a 0.5% cashback bonus for the investments made in the first nine months (270 days), more details HERE.

Investment opportunity

  • High-yielding investment in logistics industry, financing of technical inspection and repair/renewal works for freight containers.
  • Secured debt, 21% planned annual return.
  • Investment principal buyback is available at 5% penalty rate.

Project description

The JSC SRR was established in Riga, Latvia in the year 2007. JSC SRR is a member of FIATA, LAFF, LTBA, CCTP, holds ISO 9001:2008 certificate, and employs 64 people.

Company’s key assets include 950 x 20’ and 450 х 40’ containers as well as 825 railroad platforms.

The main fields of company’s activity are:

  • Multimodal transportation and integrated railway solutions for metallurgical companies and industrial manufacturers
  • Handling of container trains
  • Optimizing use of rolling stock and providing own containers
  • Warehousing of various types of cargo
  • Regular feeder container line Rotterdam-Riga-Ust-Luga-St. Petersburg-Rotterdam

The company is looking to conduct a round of technical inspection and repair/renewal works for all its containers, used for freight operations. The total cost of the project is estimated to be EUR 650,000. Envestio participants will have a chance to finance this project in several tranches of moderate size, according to the number of containers submitted for inspection and further proceedings in a single batch.


Consolidated figures show that during the year 2017 the global market for transportation of goods using freight containers increased by more than 6% in relation to 2016. Last time so high market growth rates were observed more than 6 years ago – in the year 2011. Overall demand for China-Europe-America freight routes in 2017 increased rapidly due to China’s GDP 6,9% growth that was almost 0,5% higher than anticipated growth of 6,5%. At the same time, also the freight rates in 2017 swiftly recovered from downfall, experienced in 2016.

Further development of the global market is largely dependent on the extent at which current expansion plans of the biggest container lines are realized as well as on the development dynamics of the international trade. Bearing in mind increasing ambiguity on the global markets, caused by geopolitical shifts combined with high growth rates the key factor for success is the ability to manage both own and freighted assets in the most efficient and flexible way.

From the regional perspective the biggest increase in volumes was achieved in the North America (+12,6%), followed by Latin America (+11,1%), China (+10,3%), and Europe (+4,4%).

Sample repayment schedule

Envestio participant’s investment – EUR 1 000.00

  • 02.12.2018 – EUR 17.26
  • 02.01.2019 – EUR 17.84
  • 02.02.2019 – EUR 17.84
  • 02.03.2019 – EUR 16.11
  • 02.04.2019 – EUR 17.84
  • 02.05.2019 – EUR 17.26
  • 02.06.2019 – EUR 17.84
  • 02.07.2019 – EUR 1017.26

Total expected return: EUR 1 139.25

New high-yield Envestio project – Production of wood pallets – trade financing 2

Envestio logo

Envestio informed today that a new investment opportunity is available at the portal to all registered participants.

By introducing the new Investment Project “Production of wood pallets – trade financing 2″, Envestio expands the variety of industries available to invest in.

The loan is fully secured by mixed commercial pledge and personal guarantee of the main beneficiaries of “PALLET TIMBER COMPANY” SIA.

As usual, you can invest any amount starting from 1 EUR. Minimum deposit to the investment account is EUR 100.

If you invest for the first time at Envestio don’t forget that you can get € 5 and a 0.5% cashback bonus for the investments made in the first nine months (270 days), more details HERE.

Investment opportunity

  • High-yielding investment in timber processing sector, factoring-type financing for a sawn timber and wooden pallets manufacturing company.
  • Secured debt, 20,67% planned annual return.
  • Investment principal buyback is available at 5% penalty rate.

Project description

The company PALLET TIMBER COMPANY SIA is a Latvian venture that is successfully working on the market of producing sawn dimensional timber products and different types of wooden pallets since 2012. The company operates modern production facilities in Riga, Latvia, which allows it to optimize raw products purchasing and logistics costs. Latvia is one of the richest countries in Europe in terms of forest – approximately one half of its territory is covered with woods. A vast variety and wide availability of different types of local raw timber makes woodworking industry one of the country’s most advanced and well-known at different export markets. PALLET TIMBER COMPANY SIA uses trademark “Made in Latvia” as an additional competitive advantage for its produce.

Flexibility is another key asset of PALLET TIMBER COMPANY SIA. Dimensional timber it produces has vast amount of different sizes, making it suitable for a wide variety of purposes of use in different markets with diverse standards.

The same refers to the wooden pallets, produced by PALLET TIMBER COMPANY SIA. Depending on specification of cargos and type of transportation and storage, the company offers pallets of different construction, durability, and area. For the production of separate order of pallets, it is also possible to use clients’ drawings and other requirements. The range of materials, which are used in the production process of the pallets include planks, beams, plywood, OSB, pressed cubes, as well as other materials. Examples of company’s produce can be seen in the pictures below.

PALLET TIMBER COMPANY SIA is looking to attract factoring-type financing enabling it to accomplish additional purchases of raw timber and increase sales, mainly to the export markets. The PALLET TIMBER COMPANY SIA currently is actively expanding to new markets (such as Turkey, United Arab Emirates, and Scandinavian countries) but additional funds will also be used in order to increase exports to current clients. The main export markets for the company’s produce include Germany (up to 48% of the company’s produce), Poland (16%) Belgium (8%), the Netherlands (7%), and other countries (21%). Advantageous geographical location allows fast delivery of company’s produces both across the Europe and also to the Eastern direction by land or sea.


Wood is the most preferred material for pallets across the globe, as it offers huge advantages in terms of response time and low startup cost for customized designs. Wooden pallets sometimes end up with sharp splinters causing injuries or protruding nails that damage food packaging. But due to the low costs, wood pallets will continue to dominate product sales in most areas across the globe. However, wood pallets these days are largely being replaced with plastic pallets. As food safety compliance and reusability is a growing attraction among manufacturers, they are looking for sustainable material handling options and thus, plastic pallets will continue to gain acceptance in a range of industries including foods & beverage, pharmaceuticals, groceries and automotive.

With a huge incremental opportunity, the global pallets market is projected to grow at more than 5% CAGR during the period of assessment.

During the period 2012 – 2016, the global pallets market expanded at a CAGR of 4.7%. However, during the forecast period – that is between 2017 and 2025 – the market is anticipated to grow at a CAGR of 5.4% owing to increasing demand for better and safe transportation coupled with the rise in demand for pallets from various industries like food, agriculture, chemicals etc. The global pallets market is projected to represent incremental opportunity of more than US$ 25 Bn between 2017 and 2025.

Sample repayment schedule

Envestio participant’s investment – EUR 1 000.00

  • 29.11.2018 – EUR 17.56
  • 29.12.2018 – EUR 16.99
  • 29.01.2019 – EUR 17.56
  • 28.02.2019 – EUR 16.99
  • 29.03.2019 – EUR 16.42
  • 29.04.2019 – EUR 1017.56

Total expected return: EUR 1 103.08

Lending & Finance Technologies (LF TECH) from Kazakhstan has launched on Mintos p2p marketplace

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Lending & Finance Technologies (LF TECH) from Kazakhstan has just launched on the Mintos peer-to-peer lending  marketplace and offers investors the opportunity to invest in its short-term consumer loans issued in Kazakhstan. The company is one of the leading short-term lenders in Kazakhstan and now lists its loans on Mintos in EUR and KZT for investment.

The company started its operations in 2012 when it opened its first branch. Since then, the group has opened 130 branches across the country, established its online product with an application review that’s less than 15 minutes, and expanded its presence in the Russian market. It aims to give its customers an individual approach, fast service and convenience when using its product. These benefits have attracted over 500 000 unique customers in Kazakhstan.

The average Kazakhstan-issued loan from LF TECH is EUR 100. The repayment period is up to 30 days and borrowers repay their loan in a single instalment. You can expect an annual net return of up to 11% for its loans listed in EUR and 18% for its KZT loans. In the future, LF TECH also plans to increase its offering on Mintos and place its car, and pawnbroking loans for investment.

All loans from LF TECH are secured with a buyback guarantee and will be repurchased if the loan is delinquent for 60 days or more. In addition, to ensure the interests of the loan originator are aligned with investors, the company will maintain 15% skin in the game.

The company is 100% equity funded, hence, maintains a very strong balance sheet position. Since 2012, it has disbursed around 1 252 000 loans in Kazakhstan worth EUR 122.3 million. At the end of September 2018, its net loan portfolio amounted to EUR 19 million. The company expects stable growth and profits for future years in its home market and Russia, as well as plans to continue its expansion in South East Asia.

The Mintos Refer-a-Friend campaign is extended until December 3, 2018

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Mintos Refer-a-Friend code can not be used on blogs (general public) anymore, instead please use the affiliate link. If you invest for the first time on Mintos don’t forget that you can get 1% cashback bonus for your investment made in the first 90 days. To get the 1% bonus please use THIS LINK.

Mintos peer-to-peer lending marketplace infomed today that the Refer-a-Friend Program is extended until December 3, 2018 January 8, 2019.

How the program works?

In order to get the 0.75% bonus a promo code must be entered in the “Promo code” field during registration.

The promo code is: MINTOSCLUB.B7B9D7

Mintos will then reward both us and you with 0.75% of your invested amount. The bonus of up to EUR 250 will be calculated on the daily invested balance. It is calculated over a three month period: 30, 60, and 90 days after the registration date and it is paid in three instalments.

For example, we refer Sara, who starts investing in loans via Mintos marketplace. After 30 days, the average balance Sara has invested over the period is EUR 4000. Mintos will credit 0.75% of EUR 4000 (EUR 30) to our investor account, and another EUR 30 to Sara’s investor account. After 60 and 90 days, Mintos will review the average invested balance again and, if it increases, credit both our and Sara’s investor account accordingly.

The Mintos Refer-a-Friend promotion is available until Dec 03, 2018 Jan 8, 2019.


For other bonuses visit our Cash-back & Bonuses page.

New high-yield Envestio project – Production of wood pallets – trade financing 1

Envestio logo

Envestio informed today that a new investment opportunity is available at the portal to all registered participants.

By introducing the new Investment Project Owner “PALLET TIMBER COMPANY” SIA with project “Production of wood pallets – trade financing 1″, Envestio expands the variety of industries available to invest in. “PALLET TIMBER COMPANY” SIA has a successful and profitable experience of producing sawn dimensional timber products and different types of wooden pallets.

The loan is fully secured by mixed commercial pledge and personal guarantee of the main beneficiaries of “PALLET TIMBER COMPANY” SIA.

As usual, you can invest any amount starting from 1 EUR. Minimum deposit to the investment account is EUR 100.

If you invest for the first time at Envestio don’t forget that you can get € 5 and a 0.5% cashback bonus for the investments made in the first nine months (270 days), more details HERE.

Investment opportunity

  • High-yielding investment in timber processing sector, factoring-type financing for a sawn timber and wooden pallets manufacturing company.
  • Secured debt, 20,67% planned annual return.
  • Investment principal buyback is available at 5% penalty rate.

Project description

The company PALLET TIMBER COMPANY SIA is a Latvian venture that is successfully working on the market of producing sawn dimensional timber products and different types of wooden pallets since 2012. The company operates modern production facilities in Riga, Latvia, which allows it to optimize raw products purchasing and logistics costs. Latvia is one of the richest countries in Europe in terms of forest – approximately one half of its territory is covered with woods. A vast variety and wide availability of different types of local raw timber makes woodworking industry one of the country’s most advanced and well-known at different export markets. PALLET TIMBER COMPANY SIA uses trademark “Made in Latvia” as an additional competitive advantage for its produce.

Flexibility is another key asset of PALLET TIMBER COMPANY SIA. Dimensional timber it produces has vast amount of different sizes, making it suitable for a wide variety of purposes of use in different markets with diverse standards.

The same refers to the wooden pallets, produced by PALLET TIMBER COMPANY SIA. Depending on specification of cargos and type of transportation and storage, the company offers pallets of different construction, durability, and area. For the production of separate order of pallets, it is also possible to use clients’ drawings and other requirements. The range of materials, which are used in the production process of the pallets include planks, beams, plywood, OSB, pressed cubes, as well as other materials. Examples of company’s produce can be seen in the pictures below.

PALLET TIMBER COMPANY SIA is looking to attract factoring-type financing enabling it to accomplish additional purchases of raw timber and increase sales, mainly to the export markets. The PALLET TIMBER COMPANY SIA currently is actively expanding to new markets (such as Turkey, United Arab Emirates, and Scandinavian countries) but additional funds will also be used in order to increase exports to current clients. The main export markets for the company’s produce include Germany (up to 48% of the company’s produce), Poland (16%) Belgium (8%), the Netherlands (7%), and other countries (21%). Advantageous geographical location allows fast delivery of company’s produces both across the Europe and also to the Eastern direction by land or sea.


Wood is the most preferred material for pallets across the globe, as it offers huge advantages in terms of response time and low startup cost for customized designs. Wooden pallets sometimes end up with sharp splinters causing injuries or protruding nails that damage food packaging. But due to the low costs, wood pallets will continue to dominate product sales in most areas across the globe. However, wood pallets these days are largely being replaced with plastic pallets. As food safety compliance and reusability is a growing attraction among manufacturers, they are looking for sustainable material handling options and thus, plastic pallets will continue to gain acceptance in a range of industries including foods & beverage, pharmaceuticals, groceries and automotive.

With a huge incremental opportunity, the global pallets market is projected to grow at more than 5% CAGR during the period of assessment.

During the period 2012 – 2016, the global pallets market expanded at a CAGR of 4.7%. However, during the forecast period – that is between 2017 and 2025 – the market is anticipated to grow at a CAGR of 5.4% owing to increasing demand for better and safe transportation coupled with the rise in demand for pallets from various industries like food, agriculture, chemicals etc. The global pallets market is projected to represent incremental opportunity of more than US$ 25 Bn between 2017 and 2025.

Sample repayment schedule

Envestio participant’s investment – EUR 1 000.00

  • 22.11.2018 – EUR 17.56
  • 22.12.2018 – EUR 16.99
  • 22.01.2019 – EUR 17.56
  • 22.02.2019 – EUR 17.56
  • 22.03.2019 – EUR 15.86
  • 22.04.2019 – EUR 1017.56

Total expected return: EUR 1 103.09

You can now invest in Latvia-issued loans from Creamfinance on Mintos p2p platform

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Creamfinance has expanded its offering on Mintos peer-to-peer lending marketplace as it has just placed Latvia-issued short-term and instalment loans for investment. Creamfinance has been ranked as the second-fastest growing company in Europe by the prestigious Inc. 5000 Europe ranking and you can invest in its loans from Latvia on the marketplace now and enjoy returns of up to 10%.

Consumer finance services provider, Creamfinance, was founded in 2012 in Latvia and has experienced consistent and fast growth ever since. The mission of Creamfinance is to make funds easily available to its borrowers. This is achieved by providing consumer loans online in a convenient and fast manner. The company utilises advanced algorithms and machine-learning capabilities to quickly evaluate and score its borrowers. Once borrowers apply for a loan, the average time it takes for the company to assess their creditworthiness is 50 seconds. In addition, it also offers a highly customised approach to its personal loan process and aims to become a one-click loan provider to consumers globally. As a result, the company has already attracted more than 93 000 customers in Latvia.

“Fintech is drastically changing our everyday lives and the business environment, especially during recent years. In addition to classic banks, the modern Fintech world includes increasingly more and sometimes much advanced financing solutions that bring together people with extra money with those who require it. We are confident that experience of Creamfinance Latvija in various countries around the world, the millions of customers and the state-of-the-art technology will provide added value and new opportunities for customers and businesses, who “meet” in Mintos platform, a business model of future available already today,” says Līga Treiliha, the CEO of Creamfinance Latvia.

On Mintos, you can invest in Creamfinance Latvia’s short-term and instalment loans listed in EUR. The average loan is EUR 350 and the repayment period is up to 14 months. You can expect a net annual return of up to 10%.

All loans from Creamfinance Latvia will come with a buyback guarantee and will be repurchased if the loan is delinquent for 60 days or more. To ensure its interests are aligned with investors on Mintos, it will also maintain 5% of each loan placed on Mintos on its balance sheet.

As of December 31, 2017, Creamfinance Group had an outstanding net loan portfolio of more than EUR 40 million and achieved an annual revenue of EUR 44 million. By the end of 2017, Creamfinance had issued total principal amounting to over EUR 400 million since 2012.

Creamfinance also announced recently that its key strategic investor – Capitec Bank – increased its involvement in the Company. The initial investment agreement was signed in March 2017, and stated that Capitec Bank would acquire a 40% stake in the Creamfinance Group for the total of EUR 21 million in three tranches. The first tranche was paid in March 2017 (EUR 6.7 million). As a result of meeting of the financial covenants agreed in 2017, Creamfinance received the next capital injections of EUR 3 million each in June 2018 and September 2018 together constituting the second tranche . The increased investment from such a major player confirms Creamfinance’s reputation as a reliable loan originator on Mintos.

Currently, Creamfinance operates in seven countries – Latvia, Poland, Czech Republic, Georgia, Denmark, Spain and Mexico and has an IT office in Austria.

To obtain exposure to Creamfinance loans, investors will be able to invest in loans issued by Mintos Finance to Creamfinance, where repayments depend on the borrower’s payments. Each loan issued by Mintos Finance to Creamfinance will be pegged to a respective loan issued by Creamfinance to the final borrower. Mintos Finance is a Mintos group company.

Peerberry p2p lending marketplace key figures for september 2018

PeerBerry logo

Today PeerBerry published the key figures and news for September 2018:

Investments by month (EUR):

PeerBerry Investments September 2018

PeerBerry Investments September 2018

The September investments through the platform brings a 13.3% increase over the previous month (from 4.58 million to nearly 5.2 million).

Funded loans:

After less then 11 months since the launch, PeerBerry have reached 30 million euros loans financed through the platform.

New loan originator:

Today PeerBerry announced the launch on the platform of the fifth loan originator: CreditPlus from Ukraine. CreditPlus was launched in June, 2017. The company is a member of Ukrainian Association of Financial Companies. CreditPlus has reached the great business results and is one of the TOP10 online lending companies in Ukraine.

Loans on the marketplace will be listed with 11.5% annual interest rate.

New language:

Great news for investors from Germany, the website is translated in their native language. impressions for September on PeerBerry platform

Even though sometimes there is a lack of investment opportunities, the money was rarely invested by Autoinvest in more than 24 hours. Adding a new loan originator is likely to compensate for this temporary shortage and the money on the investment accounts will be invested much faster.


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