Author Archives: MPI

Credissimo joins Viventor peer-to-peer lending marketplace

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Credissimo, a Loan Originator from Bulgaria joins Viventor peer-to-peer lending marketplace.

Established in 2007, Credissimo currently operates in Bulgaria and Macedonia, and is about to commence operations in Poland.  Since inception, the company has issued over 280’000 loans with total worth of more than 84 Million Euros.
Credissimo loans listed on Viventor marketplace:

  • 100-1250 EURO’s in size
  • 3-24 month’s in duration
  • 10%-11% projected annual return
  • 60 days Buyback Guarantee from Credissimo

The lender will retain at least 5% of every single loan and bear the currency risk by listing its products in Euros. All loans of Credissimo are projected to make monthly repayments, ensuring frequent and stable cash flow.

10 tips for start-up investors on the capital market

If we want to invest in the capital market, it is very important to have patience and not to act on emotional impulses.
We need to control our emotions and not let ourselves be influenced by the subjective aspects when trading on the stock market.
Greed and fear are the biggest enemies of investors. If you’ve decided to sell a title at a 25% profit, respect that threshold because otherwise it’s possible to lower your profit as a result of further corrections. And the mutual is true, if you have set a loss of 15%, do it, otherwise it is possible to record a larger loss.

10 tips for start-up investors on the capital market:

1. Do not invest in the stock market the money you need right away. Do not plan what to do with the money you will earn from your stock investments, because the stock market is unpredictable, and no matter how much experience you have or how many growth signals you may notice, the market may contradict you and fall.
It is not advisable to invest in the money programmed for important events such as schooling, medical interventions or other projects, because you may have less pleasant surprises.
It is recommended to invest in the amount of money that you may be deprived of for a period of time. It is said to “forget” about the money invested in the stock exchange. That does not mean you do not watch the market because it will do all the work for you, but not include that money in the next financial plans.
Also, do not invest in reserve money set aside for unpredictable situations, because it may not be to your advantage to sell whenever an emergency occurs!

2. Do not invest the borrowed money on the stock exchange. Borrowed money is interest-bearing and must be repaid within a certain amount of time. If the stock market does not confirm your theories, you will have to take money from other sources to cover any losses and to repay the borrowed amounts.That way, you may unbalance your budget over a long period of time and it will be quite difficult to recover financially. Reimbursement of borrowed money, which you have not benefited from due to decreases, creates a lot of stress and you will remain with a negative image about the capital market.

3. Investments on the stock exchange start with small amounts. It is much more comfortable to start trading small amounts in psychological terms because potential losses can still be small. All trading principles and rules are the same regardless of the amount you invest, whether you are a start-up investor or have a low-value portfolio. It is much easier to gain experience with an account with less zeros because you are more relaxed and you can learn from your own mistakes.

4. Start with a demo account in which to create a virtual portfolio. This will help you better understand market mechanisms and build your own information and analysis system. When you start to gain knowledge and figure out how the stock market works and are happy with the returns you get from the virtual portfolio you can start trading on a real account. You can still keep your demo account to test new strategies and make changes to your portfolio, which you are not sure you want to do in the real market. You will gain confidence in yourself and the capital market will no longer seem an unacceptable field. It costs you nothing to make a demo account, but you can gain a lot of experience.

5. Do not invest in complex financial instruments at first. Another important tip is to approach the market from simple to complex. From the basic investments that you know and know how it works and how you can gain, diversify your portfolio with more and more complex financial instruments as you gain experience.

6. Do not wait for the best price. When you have decided to sell or buy, do it at the market price. The capital market is dynamic and constantly moving, and no matter what plans you have, the market will try to contradict you. If you are a long-term investor, small price differences should not be the reason why you can delay a transaction. The more you expect the titles you are targeting to reach a certain price, the more you risk losing your earnings, or even worse, you can record higher losses.

7. Set up an investment strategy and respect it. Once you have identified the type of investor you are and your attitude towards risk, you can begin to make a strategy for future investments. The most important thing about the strategy you set is to respect it and not to change it frequently. If you oscillate between two or more strategies, you risk not to get the expected results. Discipline is one of the most important qualities of an investor, be it beginner or advanced.

8. Do not invest all the amount available in a single financial instrument. The likelihood that all the financial instruments you invest in will decrease at the same time is rather small. By allocating financial resources to different destinations, you can cover the potential loss of some of your investment through the gains made by others. No matter how tempting an investment is, do not bet on a single card!
Diversification can make a difference between a winning investor and one who still expects his investment to become profitable.

9. Invest in the long run, so downtimes will have time to recover and on long-term you can make profit.

10. Invest in blue-chips. Blue-chip shares are the most liquid stocks with high capitalization and consistent financial results over the years. These shares have increased their value over time, due to the confidence shown by investors, confirming each year without disappointing their shareholders. These shares are usualy part of a number of stock indices, which once again demonstrate their quality of capital market stars.

Last but not least, when investing in the capital market, you must always be informed and not invest based on rumors. Any information needs to be verified from multiple sources and as far as possible these sources must be reliable.

Do not forget that in order to be an investor you need to spend time on this activity and become actively involved in decision-making.

From savings to investments

Many people confuse the terms saving and investing. To save is to create a reserve of money that is kept at a risk as low as possible, even close to zero, while investing means putting the money saved to work in your favor to increase their value and to help you reach your financial goals more easily.

Savings to be affordable and to conserve their value are usually kept in financial instruments with increased liquidity and low risks, such as bank deposits or treasury bonds, these instruments being characterized by low returns. Earnings of savings are in the form of interest and the aim is to cover at least the inflation rate.

The qim of investments, on the other side, is the achieving of high returns by increasing the value of the invested capital and making profit, assuming an acceptable risk. Thus, the financial instruments used are from the least risky ones, such as bonds with a relatively low risk, medium risk (shares and peer-to-peer lending), and derivatives that have a high degree of risk and which are especially addressed to professional investors.

In short, the purpose of savings is to preserve capital at low risk and low returns, while the purpose of the investments are to increase the value of the capital invested in variable risk and return conditions depending on the financial instruments chosen.

The capital market is a dynamic way to invest the saved money. If you do not have the necessary knowledge to start investing on your own, you can contact a specialist. Before you start investing, you need to go through some essential steps:

– First of all you need to start your financial education. You can not start investing before understanding how the financial markets work and what are the characteristics of the financial instruments you want to invest in;

– You need to know what your risk appetite or maximum risk level is, according to which you will choose the right investments for your risk profile;

– You need to set your investment goals, including the time frame for which you want to invest, in order to create a diversified portfolio that meets your needs;

And last but not least, you need to determine what liquidity you want, so you can have access to your money when you want it.

Choosing the right investments may seem like a difficult process due to the multitude and variety of available tools, but having a trustworthy partner with you, as it wants to be for you, investments can become accessible to anyone who wants to become an investor .

Learn to invest in 10 easy steps

Investing is not as hard as it may seem. In principle you have to put the money to work for you so that you do not have to take your second job or work overtime to get more money. There are several types of investments that do not require large amounts of money to start investing.

Step 1. Put your finances in order. To start investing without looking at your financial situation is like jumping into the pool without knowing how to swim. Before you start investing, you need to evaluate your financial situation, know how much you earn, how much you spend and how much you can save to invest. Fortunately, you can start investing with relatively small amounts of money. The sooner you start to invest, the better your long-term results.

Step 2: Learn the basics. You do not have to be an expert in finance so you can invest, but you have to have the basics to make the best decisions. Learn what is the difference between the main financial instruments, shares, bonds, investment funds, deposit certificates, etc. You also need to know some basic investment principles such as asset allocation and diversification of investments to mitigate the risk and get the best results.

Step 3: Set your investment goals. Once you have found out what is the amount you have for investments and what are the basic notions you need to set your investment objectives. Although all investors want to earn money, your goals need to be more specific. Capital security, earnings, or capital appreciation are a number of factors to consider when setting your goals. What is best for you depends on your age, the moment of your life and your needs.

Step 4: Determine your risk profile. A decrease in the total value of your investments gives you the creeps? Before deciding what investments are right for you, you need to know how much risk you are willing to assume. Do you like car racing and amusement parks or do you prefer to read a good book in the quiet of your house? Your risk profile varies depending on your age, income, and financial goals. Find out how well you tolerate the risk before investing.

Step 5: Identify your investment style. Some investors prefer speculation while others prefer long-term investment. Once you have set your investment goals and risk profile, you need to see if the two are compatible. If you like racing cars, but you prefer capital security then it is better to tackle a conservative strategy. A conservative strategy involves investing in relatively low-income, low-risk financial instruments, while an aggressive strategy implies taking high risks to get high profits.

Step 6: Find out and understand the costs of your investments. It is very important to understand the costs of your investments because they can reduce your investment’s profitability. In principle, passive investments tends to have lower costs than active investments. Each type of investment has different costs. Before investing, be aware of all the terms and conditions that this investment entails in order not to have surprises later.

Step 7: Find a good consultant. To start investing, you need a trusted investment broker or consultant, with whom you can communicate very well and have professional experience and a good reputation. Establish some criteria that it has to meet and asks for recommendations. Schedule a meeting with him to see if he is the right person to guide you to the investment world and set the terms of your cooperation if you are happy with your choice.

Step 8: Choose the investments. Now you have all the elements to choose the investments that will be part of your portfolio. Depending on your investor profile and the consultant’s assistance, you can choose the investments that best suits your needs. To have a balanced portfolio, you need to diversify and allocate your assets wisely. With the asset allocation you will choose investments with different risk grades but also with different returns, from the safest to the least secure according to your risk tolerance. By diversifying, you will have a portfolio that will contain financial instruments from different categories and from diverse domains.

Step 9: Do not make emotional decisions. If you have not found out before, it’s time to know that emotions can negatively impact your investment. Do not let the fear and the greed to diminish your gains or increase your losses. Make an investment strategy and respect it strictly, otherwise emotions will influence your decisions and may be a greater enemy than ignorance. Greed can lead you to maintain a position in the hope that prices will increase even if the market is declining. And fear will make you sell a holding too early or keep a loss asset. If your portfolio does not let you sleep at night, it is best to reassess your risk tolerance to adopt a more conservative strategy.

Step 10: Evaluate and modify. The last step, as important as the others, on your investment journey is to evaluate and review your investments. Over time, depending on the evolution of financial markets, the structure of your portfolio will change, and you will need to make changes to it, to balance it again.

Start investing as early as possible and keep your interest in the investments you make. With time you will gain more and more experience and make wiser decisions.

7 things learned from the richest people in the world

What can the richest people in the world teach you?
Very simple – probably you immediately realized – can teach you how to get like them. That’s rich.
Because we all have the ability to find our own way to prosperity. Only some have already reached “destination” …
You would be surprised to find that the richest people on the planet are not at all “super-humans”. In fact, they are not very different from ordinary people (obviously, if we do not take into account the size of bank accounts).
But they still have something special: a different way of looking at the world, which allows them to identify opportunities and turn them into a successful big business.

Here’s how they are structured and what the richest people in the world do:

1. They really like to do what they do.
They do not generally compromise, but they are pursuing a career in a field that really means something to them. In other words, they apply the “choose your profession, which will make you joyfully awake every day.” And if they do not find a job to satisfy their aspirations, then they invent it
Due to the fact that the rich do only what they really like to do, they dedicate themselves to their work, continue to look for ways to develop their professional lives and do not waste their time on nothing.

2. Progressing permanently.
Whether it’s the latest advance in technology or a better way to communicate with their team, the very rich are constantly learning and keeping in touch with the newest directions of development to improve all aspects of life.

3. They are constantl ymaking  changes.
The truly rich often analyze the situation in which they are at one point and the direction in which they want to move and then make the necessary changes. Instead of being stuck in a company (or in a relationship) that does not really satisfy them, they prefer to go and look for better choices.

4. Getting totally involved.
They voluntarily dedicate their time and energy to those activities in wich they strongly believe. Very wealthy people always praise the efforts made by employees and truly appreciate those who work for them.

5. “Bad luck” is not part of their vocabulary.
The rich believe strongly that the notion of “bad luck” does not exist and that the situation they have at a certain moment is the result of the choices they have made in the past. They are involved in many positive things: doing physical activity, eating healthy, working hard and reading a lot. All this helps them identify new opportunities to earn money.

6. They ask many questions.
The very rich always ask questions and they are very good listeners. They are motivated by the desire to learn and understand the things that happen in the lives of other people. Some of their best ideas come from these conversations, because they really “listen”.

7. They do not have “wishes” but they set “goals.”
We often hear people saying, “I want to be rich,” or “I want to find another job.” The richest people have come to this because they have set some goals, not because they have made wishes.
Many of them set out each year an important goal they want to achieve. They do everything they can to avoid the loss of time, so they make daily lists of things to do wich they finish.

7 mistakes with money that rich people do not do + 7 tips

One of the characteristics of successful people is that they know how to efficiently manage their personal finances and not make big mistakes with money.
But they were not born scholars.
They invest in financial education and thus understand how they can avoid the main threats and mistakes that stand in the way of prosperity.

Here are 7 mistakes with the money that rich people do not do and 7 tips:

1. DO NOT spend more money than they gain.
The main skill in money management is to spend less money than you earn. Some of the planet’s richest people have applied this principle in full.
For example, Sir John Templeton, one of the largest investors in the world, saved 50% of his income, even when he earned little. But if you save that percentage of income seems too much to you, it’s no problem. You can achieve financial success and save only 10-15% of your income, or even less.
Tip: Learn to spend less than you earn.

2. DO NOT focus on price, but understand the importance of value.
The price you pay for what you buy is just a part of the overall picture. Successful people also think about the value of the goods.
When investing, they consider the possibility of increasing these businesses. As far as personal things are concerned, they are always interested in the quality and lifespan of these products, not just their price.
Tip: Buy quality products that last for many years.

3. DO NOT throw money on interests and commissions, know how to manage bank accounts.
A credit card is very expensive because of the high interest you have to pay. Successful people are very careful about commissions, such as how much they pay for using the ATM or other transactions.
These commissions are easily avoided if you understand how the system works and you can choose a great bank account.
Tip: Review your account statement once a month, and you’ll understand the charges and fees charged by the bank.

4. DO NOT forget to adjust their financial plans after a major change in their lives.
Did you get married soon? Waiting for a child? These are a few important financial steps that successful people manage efficiently.
It is essential to make financial adjustments when the circumstances of your life and your family change significantly.
Tip: At least once a year, you should carefully analyze your life and financial plans (preferably with a financial specialist).

5. They are NOT satisfied with a fixed income but always seek ways to increase their income.
Some people will never ask for an increase in salary, or they will simply be pleased with a 1-3% increase. Unfortunately, such a rate of growth is lower than inflation, which means that it virtually reduces your purchasing power. Instead, successful people are constantly looking for new ways to increase revenue.
Tip: Go to courses that improve your professional training and try to contribute with ideas to increase the productivity of the company you work for.

6. They DO NOT claim to know absolutely everything about money.
Successful people know that the world we live in is very complex. When it comes to personal finances and money, there is a lot of information available. That’s why successful people like Warren Buffett know their limits and focus on their strengths.
Tip: Continually improve your knowledge of money and investment. If you have not done already, read the most important books in this area.

7. Do NOT take unnecessary risks.
Warren Buffett has remained famous because he said “the number one rule is never lose money.” But all types of investments have a certain degree of risk.
So successful people use two important tools to avoid losses. They understand the role of insurance (buildings, cars, life, etc.) to control certain risks, but also the great importance of diversifying investments.
Tip: If you are not too sure you understand how a certain financial instrument works, just act slowly and ask questions until you really get it.

The best way to make savings in 6 simple steps

Making savings is not at all a common activity in our “modern” times …
On the contrary, most people are only interested in buying the things they want as quickly as possible, and for this purpose they often resort to credits. They thus end up paying much higher amounts for objects whose value decreases continuously from the first day and which they will soon want to replace with new ones.
This way of thinking is very wrong.

On the other hand, putting some money aside, making some savings, and ONLY THEN buying those things is a more responsible and effective way to act. Plus, having some savings available – as they say, those “white money for black days” – is a very useful thing in this times of uncertainty that we are crossing. Because those who make savings on a regular basis will be less concerned about any unforeseen events and will be able to cope more easily with such negative circumstances.
The problem, however, is that even if they want to make savings, many people would not be able to do so in an efficient way, because the vast majority of them apply a wrong method: they want to save what is left after they have finished spending on a month. This is a mistake, because there is usually nothing left to save, as spending is at least as high as income.

So what do you have to do?

Here’s the best way to make savings in 6 easy steps:

Well-known investor Warren Buffett, one of the richest people in the world, strongly believes in the habit of saving, although he has a fortune of several tens of billions of dollars. He says, “Do not save what is left after spending, but spend what’s left after you’ve saved.”

And Robert Kiyosaki, a successful investor, author and speaker, who became famous thanks to the bestseller “Rich dad, Poor dad”, advises us in his direct way: “First Pay Yourself!”

So the best way to make savings can be implemented as follows:

1. Know yourself.
First of all, write down your earnings and spending in recent months carefully and analyze them to really understand what your money is doing.

2. Make a plan.
Set realistically a certain amount you want to save each month. Many specialists generally recommend 10% of revenue, but may be more or less depending on your personal situation.
Even if you save only 2% or 3% of your income, you will see that in the long run you are MORE gained than not doing anything.

3. Savings FIRST.
The first thing after you earn the monthly income, put those savings into a separate account that you do not touch. Now there are banks that can automatically do this for you, with the amount you set.
Try to “forget” this savings account, in order to avoid the possible temptations that may arise …

4. Make the spendings only AFTER the savings
Carefully plan the costs you have to do to fit the amount you have left. Try to get used to the idea that these are the only money you can spend.

5. Be consistent.
Follow your plan every month. In this way, your savings account will grow and you will be more motivated to continue.

Making savings is extremely useful. But if you want to become truly prosperous and, in the long run, even financially independent, then this is not enough.
You have to find more profitable ways than bank deposits to place your savings. That means you have to invest.

So, first informe yourself about your risk profile, because there are plenty of opportunities to get better returns than bank deposits. For example bonds, properties renting, peer-to-peer lending. Not to mention investment in capital markets.

The most important thing is to make it a habit to constantly look for serious and profitable investment options, because in the long run, only they will help you build a more prosperous future.

The simplest and most effective 11 truths about money

About money, personal finances and how you can have a more prosperous life has been written a lot.
But if it were to make it as simple as possible, you would see that everything is reduced to just a few extremely effective ideas, because the Pareto’s principle applies to personal finances too: 80% of the positive results are obtained with only 20% of the efforts made.
So before complicating yourself with too many details, maybe it would be a good idea to consider those simple and effective things that will produce the best results.

Here are the simplest and most effective 11 truths about money that can bring you a more prosperous life:

1. Financial education is more important than money.
Be constantly preoccupied with learning about money: how to manage, how to invest and how to keep them. Day by day, you MUST be the “master” of the money and not the other way round. Once you understand how money “works”, improving your personal finances becomes just a challenge and not a stress.

2. Spend less money than you earn and save the rest.
You can get everything you want. Just adjust your earnings and expenses accordingly.

3. Do not try to impress with the things you have.
Only superficial people will judge you for the things you have. True friends and important people in your life, however, will judge you by your character.

4. You must start investing as early as possible – the younger you start, the more time you have to build your well-being.
If you start investing earlier, you will have more time to learn, gain experience, and recover your mistakes or unprofitable investments.

5. There are “good” debts and “bad” debts, be careful not to confuse them.
If you use a credit to buy properties or goods that bring you income and whose value increases over time, then this is a “good” debt, because it will help increase your prosperity.
But if you make credits for consumption, they will make you lose money because of the interest you pay and the depreciation of things bought, so they are bad debts. Although the two types of loans seem quite similar at first glance, they are actually very different and have opposite effects: one brings you money and the other takes them out of your pocket.

6. Live simply and surround yourself with positive people, not things.
The more you fill your life with things, the more they will consume more time and energy. The more “toys” you have, the more you have to pay and maintain, and in the end you will be less free. Instead of being the owner of these things, they will come to rule you. Just live simply and makes wise decisions.

7. Be always prepared for unforeseen situations, both financially, physically and mentally.
Make a plan, organize yourself and put aside some money for such situations.

8. Nobody takes more care of your money than you.
You do not have to have 100% confidence in someone else’s opinion about the value, profitability or safety of a particular investment (or business) than after you have studied the subject yourself and made the calculations.

9. Think long term and plan your future.
Learn to postpone the rewards you are tempted to give you right away. Weigh carefully all the important financial decisions you have to take. The future will arrive sooner than you think and you are the one who will bear the consequences of the decisions you will take.

10. Do not treat the money superficially and do not waste them.
You have to treat the money as you treat a good friend: with respect and gratitude, because once you have maked them, you must take great care to keep them.

11. Trust yourself!
Learn to listen to the “whispers” of your self and give them more attention than to the “cries” of your ego. You have the opportunity to create the life you want. You are never a victim of circumstances. You have the power to control your thoughts, actions and perspective on life.

Be optimistic and always look at the good side of things!

20 easy ways to help you save money

We all have the temptation to see the pessimistic side of personal finances. We say that we do not get enough money, but we never think about the expenses we make and whether or not they are justified.

I can not manage with the salary I receive! I’d like to save some money, but I can not do it! After I pay the rate to the bank, I only have money for the strict necessity! What is your secret, how do you save money?”

Let’s make a “battle plan” together. Below I made a check-list with ways you can save. You can check the things you already do. Those left unchecked, you can test them to see if they work for you.


The first thing you have to do is plan your monthly budget. Make an Excell document to include your spending over a month.

On a column, you can pass on utilities – maintenance, electricity, cable TV and internet, mobile and fixed telephony, etc.
Another column belongs to the current expenses:
– food;
– baby related expenses: milk, diapers, clothes, medications, kindergarten expenses, school etc.
The third column is assigned to occasional expenses: city exits, wardrobe renewal, household goods acquisitions, etc.
A fourth column is for travel expenses: fuel costs, car maintenance, public transport subscriptions.

After a month, you’ll be able to see exactly what your salary is doing and if you have had extravagant spending.

20 easy ways to save money

1. Always make at home a shopping list when you go to the market! Even it may be tempting to “derail”, try to stick to the plan.

2. Never buy more than you can eat! Did you know that up to 48% of all food purchases go to the trash?

Translation: There are real chances of wasting up to half of your food budget, if you loose yourself on the waves of shopping!

3. Hunt Hypermarket Offers! Very seriously: did you know that big stores have every day serious discounts on different foods? You can benefit from price reductions of 25-30% if you carefully look among the shelves. If you go shopping in the evenings, you can find even 80% discounts for foods whose stock is in the end or that did not sell well throughout the day.

4. Go to the market for vegetables and fruits! Usually, prices are much lower than those in the Supermarket. In addition, from April to October, buy seasonal fruits and vegetables. It’s cheaper and healthier to eat vegetables and fruits in the hot season than to buy them in the Hypermarket at winter at exorbitant prices.

5. Cook in the house with your loved ones. Besides the obvious financial benefit (it costs more to eat at the restaurant, fast food or in the cafeteria), you will spend quality time with family and have fun.

6. I know it’s not a novelty – you probably heard this: try to save water, close the light in the rooms you do not stay in, do not let the air condition go without need, and during the winter, do not waste the heat.

7. During the week, prepare your lunch pack from home. Avoid eating at the cafeteria or restaurant or ordering take-away.

8. Consult online shop offers if you plan to purchase electonic products. You will find out where you can get the best price for the desired product. In addition, you’ll find plenty of reviews about it and find out how well it fits your needs. At the same time, you can find more suitable alternatives, offered by users like you, who have tested them before you.

9. Do not use a credit card! It’s a product that just gives you the illusion that you can buy more. Finally, the maturity will come and the amount will have to be covered in some way. And interest can also reach 25-30% per year. In addition, any credit card has a fairly steep annual administration fee.

10. You can make a debit card, through which you can get various discounts on shopping. However, it is a good idea to make your calculations before: this product has administration costs. Thus, if the total value of discounts does not substantially exceed that of administration costs, just abandon the idea.

11. Use discount sites to buy vouchers for various entertainment in town. With a little attention, you can save each month an important amount and, at the same time, you will have a rich social life.

12. If you want to renew your wardrobe, go shopping during rebate periods at season change. You can save, even 50% of the price of the product. I recommend that you carefully study the market in advance to get a real benefit from your purchase.

13. If you have small children, try – as much as possible – to borrow cribs, trolleys, toys and clothes from friends or relatives who had small children or buy them second hand on websites where you can see exactly what the status of the product is. By the age of 12, children change clothes every season, so you will waste a lot of resources if you buy new clothes every 3 months.

14. Discard your fitness subscription, reduce car journeys and walk more or use a public transport. You will save gasoline, will make more movement and thus you will also gain in Health. If you still have to drive, I recommend that you try to solve more things in one trip.

15. Choose to go on holiday at the beginning or end of the season. It costs considerably less than a full season stay. Early book your holidays – you can pay 40% less if you book your tickets from November or December for the next summer! You can also opt for a last minute offer, but here you have to know that you will not always be able to choose the destination of your dreams. In addition, if you notice that a particular hotel has too many available places at the last moment, it may be that the offer hides some problems.

16. Quit smoking! You will literally win years of life, health, and a pack of cigarettes in minus a day will bring you considerable savings.

17. Try to prepare your coffee at home and avoid coffee machines.

18. If you are addicted to gadgets, make a serious calculation of the expenses that this custom generates over a year. You may have an unpleasant surprise …

19. Optimize your bank charges! If you have active accounts with multiple banks, you can choose to close those that are not absolutely necessary. Ideally, you can stay with one account, from which to handle by internet banking all operations, including paying utility bills. Any additional account opened with another bank will incur administrative fees.

20. Do not make personal loans unless it is absolutely necessary. In addition to interest, you will also have to pay a whole series of commissions and, instead of saving, you’ll spend.

Try to save money through the above methods and it is very possible to discover that you will be able to purchase the desired product or make an investment only from your savings.


Georgian Microfinance Organization BIG joins Mintos marketplace

Mintos logo

New loan originator from Georgia joins the Mintos peer-to-peer lending marketplace. Microfinance Organization BIG will offer investors the opportunity to invest in micro business, car, and agricultural loans to earn up to 17% annually.

BIG is one of the leading microfinance institutions in Georgia with nine years of experience issuing loans to small-and medium-sized businesses such as small retail stores, providers of various services, and family farms.

On the Mintos marketplace, BIG will offer investors the opportunity to invest in micro business, car, and agricultural loans denominated in Georgian lari (GEL) and ranging from GEL 300 to GEL 50 000. Loans will have a repayment period of up to three years. BIG will offer a buyback guarantee for loans that are delinquent for more than 60 days. To retain its skin in the game, BIG will keep at least 5% of each loan placed on the Mintos marketplace on its balance sheet.

BIG employs 245 people and operates 10 branches across Georgia, including in rural area centers. The number of active BIG customers recently exceeded 7 800. In 2016, the company’s gross loan portfolio reached EUR 11.4 million. BIG’s vigilant underwriting policy ensures that the share of loans with payments delayed by more than 30 days is under 4%.

BIG has demonstrated sustainable financial growth since its founding in 2008. The company has been profitable for the past nine years, delivering EUR 280 000 in net profit in 2016. BIG closed 2016 with a strong position of EUR 13.4 million in assets and EUR 3.2 million in equity. The company has a diversified funding structure, with shareholders contributing 40% of total funds and 28% of funds coming from international microfinance investment vehicles.

BIG pays special attention to Corporate Social Responsibility standards in the company’s day-to-day operations. The company requires its loan officers to attend special responsible sales trainings and supports an array of social entrepreneurship initiatives. These efforts have granted BIG a social rating from MicroFinanza, the internationally-recognized ratings agency.


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