Tag Archives: bank deposits

When does it worth to have money in bank deposits?

Balance inflation

Is it worth having bank deposits? Can you live of the interest you gain?

To these questions, there is no standard answer. The answer is influenced by the size of economies, inflation rate and bank interest.

There were times when interest rates were well above the inflation rate and all people who had savings were directing them into bank deposits. When the bank offers you an interest rate of 18-20% and the inflation rate is 5-8%, the real-positive interest rate is 12-15% and it deserves the investment, right?

Instead, it is not worth having bank deposits when banks offer net interest rates below the inflation rate (banks do NOT need money).
Normally, bank interest rates cover inflation or are slightly below inflation.

In conclusion, it is worth having bank deposits only if interest rates are over inflation rate, otherwise you will only get a reduction in the purchasing power of your own savings!


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