Peerberry p2p lending marketplace key figures for september 2018
Today PeerBerry published the key figures and news for September 2018:
Investments by month (EUR):

PeerBerry Investments September 2018
The September investments through the platform brings a 13.3% increase over the previous month (from 4.58 million to nearly 5.2 million).
Funded loans:
After less then 11 months since the launch, PeerBerry have reached 30 million euros loans financed through the platform.
New loan originator:
Today PeerBerry announced the launch on the platform of the fifth loan originator: CreditPlus from Ukraine. CreditPlus was launched in June, 2017. The company is a member of Ukrainian Association of Financial Companies. CreditPlus has reached the great business results and is one of the TOP10 online lending companies in Ukraine.
Loans on the marketplace will be listed with 11.5% annual interest rate.
New language:
Great news for investors from Germany, the website is translated in their native language. impressions for September on PeerBerry platform
Even though sometimes there is a lack of investment opportunities, the money was rarely invested by Autoinvest in more than 24 hours. Adding a new loan originator is likely to compensate for this temporary shortage and the money on the investment accounts will be invested much faster.