Financial freedom - Build your way to a more prosperous life, step by step, by building smart passive income streams. Learn how to manage your investments so that you can maximize your passive income potential.

It is clear that your financial life is the product of your financial habits. The rules for financial stability and prosperity are: try to multiply your income sources; spend smart; spend less than you gain; every month make sure your balance (revenue - costs) is positive; constant saving; invest the savings. These actions, repeated every month, creates habits. Habits, repeated every month, accumulate and provide a stable financial status and, in time, produce prosperity.

New investment project in Latvia announced by Bulkestate – Luku Street – 2nd Stage

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Bulkestate announced today that it is preparing to launch a new investment project in Latvia: Lūku Street – 2nd Stage.

Launch time: Monday/ 14 January 2019 / 12:00 (EEST)

Lūku Street

Bulkestate: Lūku Street

Investment object

The mortgaged property is a 2200 m2 large land plot on Lūku Street, in Mārupe district.

Mārupe is one of the closest private housing areas to Riga. The main advantage of the region is the convenient traffic to the city centre, international airport and the seaside, at the same time preserving the green neighbourhood characteristic of the outskirts of the city.

Loan target

The borrower intends to refinance an existing loan to increase the operating capital of the borrower’s company.

Investment opportunity

Interest rate: 12%
Investment target: 32 275 EUR
Loan period: 6 months
Loan to value: 45%
Security: Mortgage


New high-yield Envestio project – Urban mining tier 12

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Envestio informed today that a new investment opportunity is available at the portal to all registered participants.

By introducing the project Urban mining Tier 12, Envestio continues to expand successful cooperation with the representatives of the environmental-friendly recycling industry.

Total project value for renewable financing (current credit limit of DAGRE Ltd.) is EUR 600,000.

As usual, you can invest any amount starting from 1 EUR. Minimum deposit to the investment account is EUR 100.

If you invest for the first time at Envestio don’t forget that you can get € 5 and a 0.5% cashback bonus for the investments made in the first nine months (270 days), more details HERE.

Investment opportunity

  • High-yielding investment into technology sector, financing of working capital of recycling plant.
  • Secured debt, 16% planned annual return.
  • Investment principal buyback is available at 5% penalty rate.

Project description

DAGRE is an international company with successful experience in the sphere of recycling of technological raw materials that contain different precious metals such as silver, gold, platinum, etc. DAGRE’s production capacities provide full cycle of processing the raw materials, from initial expertise in the lab to grinding it using special automated machinery and equipment. Employed innovative technological process ensures preservation of 98% of the initial amount of precious metals, contained in the raw materials. Production complex consists of following segments:

  • Storage of Raw materials
  • Manual and mechanical disassembly workshop
  • Enrichment workshop
  • Storage of ready produce.

DAGRE is capable of processing extremely wide range of raw materials, which provides the company with additional competitive advantage on the market. Obsolete home electronics, computer hardware, written-off equipment and machinery from plants and factories, even details from old trains and military objects – all this can be utilized. Current company facilities allow recycling of more than 2000 tons of aforementioned raw materials per year, and turning them into enriched “concentrate” with high saturation of precious metals ready for further sale.

The enriched “concentrate” is purchased by special factories, which recycle it further, into pure non-ferrous metals, such as Aurubis GmbH factory in Hamburg, Germany that is currently the main buyer of DAGRE’s product. DAGRE and Aurubis GmbH have concluded a long-term cooperation contract.

DAGRE is receiving raw materials from wide variety of suppliers in the Eastern European region, which is still far behind the rest of the Europe in terms of percentage of obsolete equipment going through proper utilization process. In combination with efficient and transparent logistics processes it makes economies of scale possible.


DAGRE is one of few companies in the region that has direct access to Russian market of necessary raw materials. Russian recycling market is noticeably underdeveloped in comparison with Western markets, therefore, supply of raw materials is limited only by the production capacities of processing company and money it can invest into the process. At the same time, entrance to this market is very complicated due to big amount of different formalities and strict customs procedures, which must be observed. Here DAGRE enjoys a noticeable competitive advantage, as it already has all the necessary legal and operational expertise is this sphere.

Sample repayment schedule

Envestio participant’s investment – EUR 1 000.00

  • 07.02.2019 – EUR 13.59
  • 07.03.2019 – EUR 12.27
  • 07.04.2019 – EUR 13.59
  • 07.05.2019 – EUR 1013.15

Total expected return: EUR 1 052.60

New high-yield Envestio project – Oil product terminal rent

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Envestio informed that a new investment opportunity is available at the portal to all registered participants.

The project is presented by the new Investment Project Owner – Latvian venture “Rietumu Nafta” SIA that is successfully working in the market of auto fuel trade since 1998. Currently, the company is the biggest fuel wholesaler in the Kurzeme region of Latvia (Western part of the country) and one of the noticeable players in the country market. By investing in the project “Oil product terminal rent” it is possible to participate in the financing of rent costs and other expenses of using oil product terminal facilities that will allow “Rietumu Nafta” SIA to ensure year-round supply, storage, and timely delivery to the customers of necessary amount of diesel and other fuel products.

Total project value is EUR 1,000,000.

The loan is fully secured by commercial pledge and personal guarantee of the main beneficiaries of “Rietumu Nafta” SIA.

You can invest any amount starting from 1 EUR. Minimum deposit to the investment account is EUR 100.

If you invest for the first time at Envestio don’t forget that you can get € 5 and a 0.5% cashback bonus for the investments made in the first nine months (270 days), more details HERE.

Investment opportunity

  • High-yielding investment in operations of diesel fuel wholesale and retail trading company.
  • 15% planned annual return.
  • Investment principal buyback is available at 5% penalty fee

Project description

Latvian venture “Rietumu Nafta” SIA is successfully working on the market of auto fuel trade since 1998. Currently, the company is the biggest fuel wholesaler in the Kurzeme region of Latvia (Western part of the country) and one of the noticeable players in the country market. Client-oriented business approach combined with almost 20 years’ experience in the market helps “Rietumu Nafta” SIA in maintaining the leading positions in the industry.

Since the year 2013 “Rietumu Nafta” SIA is a member of Latvian TOP 500 company list, published by major Latvian business newspaper “Dienas Bizness” with annual turnover averaging to EUR 50 mln.

The biggest share of the company’s business is constituted by fuel wholesale operations. “Rietumu Nafta” SIA offers to its clients all different types of diesel fuel of highest quality, produced according to official European Union standards. It includes also fuel for agricultural needs and marked diesel fuel that should be traded following special procedures as per Latvian legislation.

Many company’s clients have concluded long-term purchase and delivery contracts. Delivery is ensured across the whole territory of Latvia using company’s 6 modern fuel trucks that are equipped with fuel volume, temperature, and density controlling features, showing the exact parameters of purchased fuel to the customer.

Besides wholesale and delivery operations “Rietumu Nafta” SIA operates also two gas stations located in the cities of Kuldiga and Liepaja. Gas stations sell to retail customers petrol, diesel fuel, diesel fuel for agricultural needs as well as car biogas (sold at station in Kuldiga).

“Rietumu Nafta” SIA is looking to attract a total amount of EUR 1,000,000 for 12 months in order to finance rent cost and other expenses of using oil product terminal facilities in the one of commercial harbors of Kurzeme region that will allow to ensure year-round supply, storage, and timely delivery to the customers of necessary amount of diesel and other fuel products.


During the first eight months of 2018, Latvian gasoline imports dropped 4% from the respective period a year ago, while diesel fuel imports fell 11.3%, according to the Central Statistical Bureau, writes LETA.

During the first eight months of this year, Latvia imported 186.247 mln liters of gasoline and 826,800 tons of diesel fuel.

The value of gasoline imports rose 8.5 % year-on-year to EUR 78.483 mln in January-August 2018, and the value of diesel fuel imports increased 6.4% to EUR 438.043 mln.

Lithuania was the main supplier of gasoline and diesel fuel to Latvia.

In the eight months, Latvia imported 116.598 mln liters of gasoline from Lithuania, or 62.6% of total gasoline imports (64.6% in January-August 2017) while 65.064 mln liters, or 34.9%, were imported from Finland. Compared to January-August 2017, gasoline imports from Lithuania declined 6.9% and gasoline imports from Finland rose 0.9%.

In January-August 2018, Lithuania also supplied 468,900 tons of diesel fuel to Latvia or 56.7 % of total diesel fuel imports (61.1% in January-August 2017). Diesel fuel imports from Lithuania fell 18.6% against January-August 2017. Diesel fuel imports from Finland increased 4.7% y-o-y to 248,000 tons or 30% of total diesel imports in January-August this year. Latvia also imported 86,200 tons of diesel fuel from Belarus in January-August 2018 or 7.2% more than in January-August 2017.

In the first eight months of this year, Latvia also imported 464 tons of fuel oil, down 46.9% from the same period a year ago. Fuel oil imports from Estonia reached 433 tons or 93.2%, and the value was EUR 221,000.

In January-August 2017, Latvia imported 193.983 mln liters of gasoline, 942,600 tons of diesel fuel and 875 tons of fuel oil.

Sample repayment schedule

Envestio participant’s investment – EUR 1 000.00

  • 04.02.2019 – EUR 12.74
  • 04.03.2019 – EUR 11.51
  • 04.04.2019 – EUR 12.74
  • 04.05.2019 – EUR 12.33
  • 04.06.2019 – EUR 12.74
  • 04.07.2019 – EUR 12.33
  • 04.08.2019 – EUR 12.74
  • 04.09.2019 – EUR 12.74
  • 04.10.2019 – EUR 12.33
  • 04.11.2019 – EUR 12.74
  • 04.12.2019 – EUR 12.33
  • 04.01.2020 – EUR 1012.74

Total expected return: EUR 1 150.01

New high-yield Envestio project – Wind turbine farm – Tier 5

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Envestio informed that a new investment opportunity is available at the portal to all registered participants.

The project is presented by the new Investment Project Owner – Polish company FLC POLAND SP ZOO. Since 2013 the company is conducting business in a number of industries, including alternative energy. By investing in the project “Wind turbine farm – Tier 5” it is possible to participate in the financing round for further technical improvements, purchase of spare parts, and maintenance cycle for wind turbine farm in Poland.

Total project value is EUR 950,000, so Tier 5 is the final part of this project.

You can invest any amount starting from 1 EUR. Minimum deposit to the investment account is EUR 100.

If you invest for the first time at Envestio don’t forget that you can get € 5 and a 0.5% cashback bonus for the investments made in the first nine months (270 days), more details HERE.

Investment opportunity

  • High-yielding investment in energy sector, financing of further technical improvements, purchase of spare parts, and maintenance cycle for wind turbine farm in Poland.
  • 16,55% planned annual return.
  • Investment principal buyback is available at 5% penalty fee.

Project description

FLC POLAND SP ZOO is a Polish company that is engaged into several business projects in Eastern and Central Europe in industries like alternative energy, trade of agricultural products, logistics operations, etc. The company is operating since the year 2013.

In the years 2015-2016 FLC POLAND SP ZOO participated in construction of a farm of wind turbines in Poland, Krakow region.

The project with total budget of EUR 28 million (net, rounded) assumed purchase of 12 Enercon E-92/78m wind turbines ( with combined power capacity of 28,200 kW as well as number of additional installations and services such as:

  • Transformers with switchgears.
  • Protection from lightning strikes.
  • Control and power devices.
  • ENERCON SCADA Remote – the primary system of telemonitoring.
  • Transportation, mobilization and operation of the crane.
  • Flat concrete foundation.
  • Installation.
  • Launch into operation.
  • 100 hours of testing.
  • General insurance before use.
  • Connecting cables with the transformers in turbine towers.
  • Two years warranty.
  • Set of technical drawings of foundations, technical instructions.

The park of wind turbines was launched into operation in 2016, so now FLC POLAND SP ZOO is looking to attract financing with an aim of making additional technical improvements to the installation in order to raise its overall efficiency, purchasing spare parts for the turbines, and conducting necessary maintenance works for the next period of operation.


With an average of 12.6 GW per year, volumes of new deployment of wind energy capacity look set to remain fairly strong through to 2020, according to WindEurope’s Central Scenario. We expect 2017 to mark a new record high in annual installations. We expect 50 GW to be installed in the 4 years of 2017-2020. We expect this would bring the EU to an accumulative installed capacity of 204 GW. We expect this 50 GW additional capacity to represent over half of all new renewable capacity in the EU over the 4-year period, well above solar PV, bioenergy and hydro power.

With over 200 GW of installed capacity, wind energy could meet 16.5% of Europe’s electricity needs by 2020, surpassing hydro power and becoming the largest source of renewable electricity. We expect Denmark to meet over half of its demand with wind energy and Germany almost 30%. Ireland, Portugal, Spain and the UK will follow with respectively 29, 27, 24 and 21%.

New installations will remain relatively strong until the end of 2020, but policy uncertainty and lack of ambition for the post-2020 climate and energy framework could have a significant negative impact on the sector. Only a handful of Member States have provided visibility and regulatory certainty. With only 5 countries among the EU28 announcing auctions plans, there is a lack of certainty on revenue stability for investors.

Sample repayment schedule

Envestio participant’s investment – EUR 1 000.00

  • 02.02.2019 – EUR 14.06
  • 02.03.2019 – EUR 12.70
  • 02.04.2019 – EUR 14.06
  • 02.05.2019 – EUR 13.60
  • 02.06.2019 – EUR 14.06
  • 02.07.2019 – EUR 13.60
  • 02.08.2019 – EUR 14.06
  • 02.09.2019 – EUR 14.06
  • 02.10.2019 – EUR 1013.60

Total expected return: EUR 1 123,80

New investment project in Latvia announced by Bulkestate – Blaumana Street – Launch 14 december 2018

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Bulkestate announced today that it is preparing to launch a new investment project in Latvia: Blaumana Street.

Launch time: 14 December 2018 / 13:00 (EEST)

Bulkestate incentive payment

For this project Bulkestate offers the following special incentive pay (cash-back) for investors by sharing part of its fee received from the client:

  • Investors making EUR 10,000 or larger investment will receive 1% incentive payment from the invested amount, while
  • Investors making EUR 25,000 or larger investment will receive 2% incentive payment from the invested amount.
Interest rate: 15% (+2%)

Investment target: 386,400 EUR
Loan period: 6 months
Loan to value: 77%
Security: Mortgage

New Mintos campaign – “First deposit with Trusly”

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Mintos peer-to-peer lending marketplace infomed today that a new campaign is available for first time investors until the end of December:  “First deposit using Trustly payment method”.

The “First deposit with Trustly” campaign is valid from December 5, 2018 to December 31, 2018.

What are the benefits?

  • investors deposits transferred through Trustly will be free of charge until the end of December
  • new registered investors will get a bonus of €5 in their account for the first deposit of €50 or more

How the program works?

  • register on Mintos marketplace
  • make the first deposit of minimum amount of EUR 50 or higher using Trustly payment method and invest at least EUR 50 in any type of loans within the Mintos platform (starting from December 5, 2018)
  • Mintos pays the reward within 3 working days after the investor has invested at least EUR 50 using Trustly


  • you must be a duly registered legal person or a natural person who is at least 18 years old
  • you have not made any investments in Mintos platform before December 5, 2018 or received “First deposit with Trustly” campaign email from Mintos
  • only deposits in EUR currency qualify

Don’t forget: Register through this link and you also get 1% bonus for your first 90 days investments (more information on our Cash-back & Bonuses page)


Creditstar list their Estonia-issued loans on Mintos p2p lending marketplace

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Creditstar has increased the investment opportunities it offers on Mintos! Now, you can invest in personal loans issued by its Estonia-based subsidiary Monefit and earn net annual returns of up to 12% . This is in addition to Creditstar’s loans that are already available for investment issued in Poland, Spain, Czech Republic and Finland.

Established in 2013, Monefit offers its borrowers flexible revolving lines of credit, where the borrower chooses how much they need to borrow at any point in time and can manage the details through a mobile app.

Estonia-issued loans from Monefit on the marketplace will range from EUR 50 to EUR 3000 with a maturity up to 60 months. You can expect a net annual return of up to 12%.

All loans placed on Mintos by Monefit have a buyback guarantee and will be repurchased if the loan is delinquent for 60 days or more. The company will also keep 5% of each loan it places on the marketplace on its balance sheet to maintain its skin in the game. Monefit will have a group guarantee, meaning the obligations of Monefit will be guaranteed by Creditstar Group.

Creditstar Group was established in 2006 and provides consumer financial services in Europe. Creditstar is headquartered in Estonia, where the company is one of the largest providers of online credit. The company has gained the trust of more than half a million registered users in eight countries across Europe.

Creditstar Group has a strong equity position, with more than EUR 18 million in equity and EUR 85 million in assets. The company has also delivered consistent profitability every year since its inception in 2006. The aggregate net loan portfolio of Creditstar Group was EUR 78 million as of September 2018.

Creditstar Group puts a strong emphasis on responsible lending policies and high-quality customer service. The typical Creditstar customer is an active, young male, 26-35 years old, living in a small town. The company has a strict credit policy with only approximately 30% of applications accepted. Debt collection companies are involved in the recovery of non-performing loans.

New high-yield Envestio project – Wind turbine farm – Tier 2

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Envestio informed that a new investment opportunity is available at the portal to all registered participants.

The project is presented by the new Investment Project Owner – Polish company FLC POLAND SP ZOO. Since 2013 the company is conducting business in a number of industries, including alternative energy. By investing in the project “Wind turbine farm” it is possible to participate in the financing round for further technical improvements, purchase of spare parts, and maintenance cycle for wind turbine farm in Poland.

The loan is fully secured by commercial pledge and personal guarantee of the main beneficiary of FLC POLAND SP ZOO.

You can invest any amount starting from 1 EUR. Minimum deposit to the investment account is EUR 100.

If you invest for the first time at Envestio don’t forget that you can get € 5 and a 0.5% cashback bonus for the investments made in the first nine months (270 days), more details HERE.

Investment opportunity

  • High-yielding investment in energy sector, financing of further technical improvements, purchase of spare parts, and maintenance cycle for wind turbine farm in Poland.
  • 20,55% planned annual return.
  • Investment principal buyback is available at 5% penalty fee.

Project description

FLC POLAND SP ZOO is a Polish company that is engaged into several business projects in Eastern and Central Europe in industries like alternative energy, trade of agricultural products, logistics operations, etc. The company is operating since the year 2013.

In the years 2015-2016 FLC POLAND SP ZOO participated in construction of a farm of wind turbines in Poland, Krakow region.

The project with total budget of EUR 28 million (net, rounded) assumed purchase of 12 Enercon E-92/78m wind turbines ( with combined power capacity of 28,200 kW as well as number of additional installations and services such as:

  • Transformers with switchgears.
  • Protection from lightning strikes.
  • Control and power devices.
  • ENERCON SCADA Remote – the primary system of telemonitoring.
  • Transportation, mobilization and operation of the crane.
  • Flat concrete foundation.
  • Installation.
  • Launch into operation.
  • 100 hours of testing.
  • General insurance before use.
  • Connecting cables with the transformers in turbine towers.
  • Two years warranty.
  • Set of technical drawings of foundations, technical instructions.

The park of wind turbines was launched into operation in 2016, so now FLC POLAND SP ZOO is looking to attract financing with an aim of making additional technical improvements to the installation in order to raise its overall efficiency, purchasing spare parts for the turbines, and conducting necessary maintenance works for the next period of operation.


With an average of 12.6 GW per year, volumes of new deployment of wind energy capacity look set to remain fairly strong through to 2020, according to WindEurope’s Central Scenario. We expect 2017 to mark a new record high in annual installations. We expect 50 GW to be installed in the 4 years of 2017-2020. We expect this would bring the EU to an accumulative installed capacity of 204 GW. We expect this 50 GW additional capacity to represent over half of all new renewable capacity in the EU over the 4-year period, well above solar PV, bioenergy and hydro power.

With over 200 GW of installed capacity, wind energy could meet 16.5% of Europe’s electricity needs by 2020, surpassing hydro power and becoming the largest source of renewable electricity. We expect Denmark to meet over half of its demand with wind energy and Germany almost 30%. Ireland, Portugal, Spain and the UK will follow with respectively 29, 27, 24 and 21%.

New installations will remain relatively strong until the end of 2020, but policy uncertainty and lack of ambition for the post-2020 climate and energy framework could have a significant negative impact on the sector. Only a handful of Member States have provided visibility and regulatory certainty. With only 5 countries among the EU28 announcing auctions plans, there is a lack of certainty on revenue stability for investors.

Sample repayment schedule

Envestio participant’s investment – EUR 1 000.00

  • 21.12.2018 – EUR 16.89
  • 21.01.2019 – EUR 17.45
  • 21.02.2019 – EUR 17.45
  • 21.03.2019 – EUR 15.76
  • 21.04.2019 – EUR 17.45
  • 21.05.2019 – EUR 16.89
  • 21.06.2019 – EUR 17.45
  • 21.07.2019 – EUR 16.89
  • 21.08.2019 – EUR 1017.45

Total expected return: EUR 1 153,68

Estonia-based lender Placet Group is expanding its presence on Mintos marketplace

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Placet Group is expanding its presence on Mintos p2p lending marketplace. Because of this, investors now have the opportunity to invest in its Lithuania-based personal loans in addition to its Estonia-issued personal loans previously available on the marketplace. With this great opportunity investors can earn net annual returns of up to 9%!

Placet Group is a leading non-bank finance lender in Estonia. It started its operations more than a decade ago in 2005 and launched its first brand in Lithuania in 2011. The core values of the company include customer satisfaction that is the result of a high-quality service that is efficient and fast. Because of these values, the company has attracted over 200 000 unique customers in Lithuania.

The average Lithuania-issued personal loan from Placet Group on Mintos is around EUR 700, the total range of loans from the company on the marketplace is EUR 50 to EUR 14 500.

The repayment period ranges from 3 months up to 6 years, while 18 months is the most common repayment period. You can expect a net annual return of up to 9%.

All loans from Placet Group come with a buyback guarantee. This means, if a loan is delinquent for more than 60 days the loan originator will repurchase the loan. The company will also keep 10% skin in the game, to ensure its interests align with those of investors. Placet Group has a history of low delinquency rates. The percentage of its loan portfolio that is delinquent is around 5%.

Placet Group has disbursed around 540 000 loans in Lithuania worth EUR 70 million. At the end of 2017, its net loan portfolio in Lithuania amounted to EUR 9.5 million and the group net portfolio amounted to EUR 25 million.

New Crowdestor project – Restaurant THE CATCH

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Crowdestor informed today that investors have a chance to invest in a new project: Restaurant THE CATCH.

The group of restaurant business operator “A2 Group” with 20 years of expertise in restaurant business and catering is expanding The Catch restaurant concept in Europe.


Target: EUR 100 000,00.

Min. target: EUR 50 000,00.

Loan term: 18 months.

Interest rate: 18% per annum.

Interest payments: paid monthly

Loan repayment: In full at the end of the Loan Term.



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