Nibble investment platform overview

Nibble is a financial platform that connects investors and lenders throughout Europe. The investment guarantee is much safer because the loans are issued by the companies which are part of the IT Smart Finance Group which are

MXMexico 2020

The Joymoney brand has been working in the field of alternative loans since 2014. The company is based in Russia and operate in Russia and Spain. Mexico’s operation is scheduled for 2020. Joymoney’s mission is to provide their customers with the opportunity to solve their financial difficulties quickly and safely. The company use their own innovative developments, including patented software solutions, big data analysis, scoring model system and risk management solutions.

Nibble offers two type of loans:

  • Short-term loans (PDL):
    • Loan amount – up to € 500;
    • Loan term – up to 30 days;
  • Installment loans: (Installment):
    • Loan amount – up to € 1000;
    • Loan term – up to 90 days;

Nibble is based on the «Peer 2 portfolio» model. Nibble offer investors the opportunity to invest in alternative loans simply and safely. Nibble offers investors a Buyback guarantee even if the loan is past overdue more than 60 days.

Nibble allow investors to create an investment portfolio in a fully automated way. The investor can establish the portfolio parameters and preferences like the minimum and maximum investment amounts, countries to invest, etc.

One of the main Nibble’s features is that it offers investors a return on investment of up to 12%, exceeding the average profitability of the market.

How does Nibble work?

Nibble is a financial platform and a part of IT Smart Finance holding group. The platform allows individuals and legal entities to invest in given loans, issued by companies of the holding, which have a long experience on a loan market.

Nibble structure

Every client who receives a loan passes a multi-level verification system and receives a scoring assessment on the solvency related to their credit history. From the total amount of applications, the level of acceptance for primary clients is 10%, which allows the company to control risks and ensure repayment.

If the loan is on delay, the company that issued the loan guarantees to buy it back on the 61st day (Brands Joymoney RU, Joymoney MX, Joymoney ES).

Nibble is responsible for the security of transactions, safety of money in investor`s personal account, and provides protection of personal data.

During its active time, the loan will accure the percentage of yield as agreed. By the end of the term, the client has the option to choose from any of our reinvestment alternatives and increase their income. By doing so, the money will be reinvested automatically in new loans. Every individual and legal entity in Europe, including the countries of EU (Switzerland and Britain) can become an investor.

How to start investing on Nibble?

To become an investor in Nibble P2P platform is fast and simple.

If you reached the age of majority and have a bank account in any country in Europe you can be an Investor on Nibble, you just need to register and verify your identity. Nibble works in most European countries, such as Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden.

You need to register to start investing and earning income on Nibble. After the registration, you can deposit money to your account starting from 10 euros. Then, you can create an investment portfolio by choosing the necessary options and become an Investor!

Currently, the maximum deposit limit on Nibble is 10,000 € per month.

If you invest for the first time at Nibble don’t forget that you can get 1% cashback bonus for the investments made in the first 90 days.



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1 comment on “Nibble investment platform overview”

  1. Luigio Laurelli Reply

    I recently tried the Nibble p2p platform to invest my money, and I must say I am impressed with the results. I was able to invest my money quickly and efficiently, and I started seeing returns on my investment in a relatively short amount of time. I would highly recommend Nibble to anyone looking for a trustworthy and effective way to invest their money.

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