New investment project announced by Bulkestate – Amālijas Street – 2nd stage

Bulkestate - Amālijas Street

Bulkestate announced today that it is preparing to launch a new investment project: Amālijas Street – 2nd stage.

Launch time: Friday / August 7, 2020 / 17:00 (EEST)

Investment opportunity

Interest rate: 14% (+1%)*
Investment target: 150 000 EUR
Loan period: 12 months
FLTV: 15%
Security: mortgage

*Bulkestate incentive payment

For this project Bulkestate offers the following special incentive pay (cash-back) for investors by sharing part of its fee received from the client:

  • Investors making EUR 10,000 or larger investments will receive a 1% incentive payment from the invested amount.
If you invest for the first time at Bulkestate don’t forget that you can get 5 EUR cashback bonus after the first investment. You can register here for the new offer.


For other bonuses visit our Cash-back & Bonuses page.
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