UPDATE: The 15 EUR offer is no longer valid. The new offer for new registered participants is 0.5% cashback for 6 months after the first investment. You can register here for the new offer.
EvoEstate informed that a new cashback opportunity is available at the platform to all new registered participants.
Every new investor who register through this link at EvoEstate and invests 50€ (or more) will get a 15 EURO cashback bonus on their EvoEstate account.
For other bonuses visit our Cash-back & Bonuses page.
EVOEstate makes it easy for investors to access a variety of real estate investments with a relatively small amount of capital. The minimum amount for investment is €50, which enables investors to create a diversified portfolio. All loans are secured with a mortgage.
EVOEstate does not give out loans directly to the developers and it sources deals from other project originators, this enables to provide a many different types of deals in multiple countries. Consequently, EVOEstate founding team invests into deals theirselves and has skin in the game on deals they provide.