Tag Archives: interest

What is Crowdfunding?


Crowdfunding is not a new concept, in fact, it’s been around for centuries. Investopedia describes it as:

Crowdfunding is the use of small amounts of capital from a large number of individuals to finance a new business venture. Crowdfunding makes use of the easy accessibility of vast networks of people through social media and crowdfunding websites to bring investors and entrepreneurs together, and has the potential to increase entrepreneurship by expanding the pool of investors from whom funds can be raised beyond the traditional circle of owners, relatives and venture capitalists.

Which can be summarised as decentralizing the banking monopoly by bringing together investors and people in need of finance. It’s unique compared to the traditional method of raising capital (especially a start-up) because your funding options were limited to a small group of wealthy individuals and institutions – today the power is in the hands of the individuals.

3 types of crowdfunding

Whilst there are still many niches of crowdfunding, here are the top 3:

  • Donation Model – This is commonly used for charity projects, such as raising funds for medical costs, foreign aid or specific organizations. Those who donate do not receive anything in return as their motive is usually believing in the specific cause or wanting to help. Two of the biggest platforms in this space are www.justgiving.com and www.gofundme.com.
  • Reward Model – If someone has an idea for a product, they may release the prototype of this on a page like www.kickstarter.com and allow people to make pre-orders. No equity is given here and it gives the business owner the opportunity to ‘Kick-start’ their project with guaranteed customers in the pipeline.
  • Equity model – You’ve seen Shark Tank and Dragon’s Den right? Imagine this, but instead of a panel of 5 billionaire’s you have a panel of thousands of ordinary people willing to invest their hard earned money for a given percentage of a business. The end goal for investors is to receive an appreciation in their initial investment based on the future success of the company, for example, profits and dividends.

The bottom line for the success of each model is a secure and trusted platform that connects both end users. A huge benefit of using these platforms is that some have a screening process that validates the concept or project before posting, it’s then published in a clear and understandable way for everyone. From the perspective of the person looking to raise the funds, they have the advantage of reaching a vast market of investors with most of the marketing and PR taken care of by the platform itself.

What is the difference between Peer-to-Peer (P2P) lending and Crowdfunding?

In short, crowdfunding as an investment focuses on the equity based reward whereas P2P investments (occasionally referred to as ‘Debt Crowdfunding’) fund a share of a loan which can be issued for personal, business, real estate use and more. With crowdfunding, your investment grows if the company grows and in turn makes a profit. On the other hand, your P2P investments can start to generate a return for you very quickly as borrowers start to make their monthly repayments, returning your initial principal and also interest on a monthly basis.

Generally, P2P lending can be viewed as lower risk and does not require the investors to have any previous financial knowledge as most platforms take care of all the hard work of screening the borrowers for you.

What are the benefits of crowdfunding and P2P other than interest?

This form of micro-financing truly is something revolutionary. Giving the power back to the individuals to mass fund a project that they truly believe in has a positive snowball effect on the wider economy. Projects and borrowers that traditionally may not have been funded by the banks (and would therefore have been forgotten about) now have a unique chance, with the end result being:

  • More small companies
  • More jobs
  • More social mobility
  • Less social inequality
  • Integrated society
  • More value and control for investors

Source: Bondora.com

When does it worth to have money in bank deposits?

Balance inflation

Is it worth having bank deposits? Can you live of the interest you gain?

To these questions, there is no standard answer. The answer is influenced by the size of economies, inflation rate and bank interest.

There were times when interest rates were well above the inflation rate and all people who had savings were directing them into bank deposits. When the bank offers you an interest rate of 18-20% and the inflation rate is 5-8%, the real-positive interest rate is 12-15% and it deserves the investment, right?

Instead, it is not worth having bank deposits when banks offer net interest rates below the inflation rate (banks do NOT need money).
Normally, bank interest rates cover inflation or are slightly below inflation.

In conclusion, it is worth having bank deposits only if interest rates are over inflation rate, otherwise you will only get a reduction in the purchasing power of your own savings!

How to earn 10% per year with no risk

Recently an investor asked a great question:“Hey, how can I earn 10% or more interest every year with no risk?”

We would love to say earning 10% each year with absolutely no risk is possible, but the truth is that with any investment you should always be aware of the risks involved. This is applicable for all asset classes, with the level of risk being different for each.

But there’s no need to despair, plenty of people consistently earn 10% or more per year because they are aware of the risks involved and manage this risk appropriately in proportion with their targeted gain. This is actually not exclusive to an individual or retail level investor either. Investment banks have been doing this for centuries, even today, if you walked on to a trading floor on Wall Street or Canary Wharf you would see financial traders leveraging themselves with extremely high-risk high-return strategies.

Here are 3 ways you can easily and instantly start managing your risk today:

1. Diversify

It goes without saying that diversification is the golden rule of investing. That being said, many prolific investors are known for saying that concentration within a single asset class is equally as important. This means that you do not necessarily need to have a share of your portfolio in every single asset class that exists, but you could pick a few and become experts in those areas. Even within an asset class itself, there is plenty of room for diversification. For example, different stocks and bonds if you invest in securities or loans with different credit ratings, durations and country of origination in P2P.

Here are the top 7 asset classes worldwide:

  • Cash Equivalents
  • Equities
  • Bonds
  • Real Estate
  • Gold
  • Precious Metals & Commodities
  • Alternative Investments

Did you notice anything about this? P2P isn’t even listed here, mostly because the idea of the individual investor having access to the wider consumer credit market has only been possible for the past 10 years. However, with the rate of year-to-year growth in the past decade it’s more than likely this will gain a top spot in the future.

Anyway, the point we’re trying to make here is that it’s highly likely that either you or someone you know has earned an excellent net return consecutively without having exposure in all 7 of the major asset classes.

As Benjamin Franklin once said:

“An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest.”

So, like Benjamin, get to know a few asset classes extremely well, diversify within those asset classes, monitor your progress and adjust your strategy appropriately.

2. Check your maximum exposure

This is connected to the previous topic. First things first, take a look at your net worth (no, you don’t have to have tens of thousands for this to apply to you) and how much you plan to invest initially as well as on a monthly basis. Then, ask yourself, how much risk are you willing to take and how much do you need the money you plan to invest? If the amount you choose falls nicely within your monthly budget, and you know you don’t need this money each month for your committed expenditure and bills, then you’re already on the right track. If you’re looking for short-term gains (such as day-trading) to pay your bills at the end of the month, you might want to take a step back and review your monthly budget.

Once you’re confident in the amount you will invest, decide on how much exposure you want to have in different asset classes, companies if you’re buying stocks, platforms and credit ratings if you’re investing in P2P, geographical areas if it’s real estate and so on. This will allow you to manage your risk by allocating a specific percentage of your total investment portfolio in different places, so if there’s a macro-economic event then you can be confident that you have taken the steps to minimize the impact this will have on your investments.

The famous U.S. investor and entrepreneur Robert Arnott once said:

“In investing, what is comfortable is rarely profitable”

This is not to say that investing cannot be made simple, instead it emphasizes that you should step outside of your comfort zone to make the most of your returns. Seeing your strategy through to the end and not jumping ship at the first sign of volatility is critical.

3. Cash and Cash Equivalents

Suffice to say, anyone who holds their money in their local bank will not earn 10% per year interest. In fact, you may be lucky to earn 0.01% depending on where you live. While it is important to have access to some cash with a very short maturity and near-instant liquidity, review how much is actually necessary so you avoid eating in to the absolute return (and the knock-on effect on compounding) in the long run. How do you review it? First, take a look at your emergency fund and make an assessment of how realistic the amount is; If you’re holding on to 2 years equivalent of your salary, you should think about whether you will ever need this much money for a rainy day.

Another tip

You should also consider the impact of tax and inflation on your overall net return, as this varies significantly between asset classes, your country of residence, current financial standing and more. If in doubt, always consult a certified tax or financial advisor.

There you have it, manage your risk religiously and you will have a realistic opportunity to consistently earn 10% interest or more per annum.

Source: www.bondora.com


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